Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Conventional Wisdom Does Not Apply To Trump

There is an old adage that cautions: “Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.”

With that thought in mind…conventional wisdom says that if you are a conservative candidate looking for support you never criticize the national news
network that is in the business of supporting conservative candidates.

Unless you are Donald Trump.

Trump’s highly publicized dustup with FOX NEWS’ revered news anchor, Megyn Kelly was supposed to signal the end to The Donald’s run for the White House. Conventional wisdom said that the powerful FOX NEWS Network would certainly spend the next several news cycles in “retaliation mode” effectively tanking Trump in the polls and ending his run.

But FOX NEWS is in the “ratings” business. A record 24 million views tuned in to Thursday night’s debate and they weren’t there to watch Jeb Bush. Then Reuters released its post-debate poll showing Trump maintaining his substantial lead; doubling up his closest rival, Jeb Bush by 12 points.

FOX NEWS president, Roger Ailes is no dummy. He knows where his bread is buttered.

Yesterday, according to Donald Trump, Ailes CALLED TRUMP, and assured him that the FOX NEWS network would be fair to him in their future reporting. Last night Megyn Kelly appeared on her show and stated that she was ready to move forward. As I write this Trump is scheduled to appear on the FOX network’s “Fox and Friends” morning show.

Donald Trump is alive and well and still in this race.

Conventional wisdom does not apply to Donald Trump.

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