Friday, June 27, 2014

This Is Insane!

The president wants congress to authorize $500 million to arm and train the Syrian opposition forces.

I thought we were broke!

$23 trillion in debt!

Who is going to pay for this?

Why us?

Where are the Brits…the French…the Germans…the Canadians?

If this is such an important region where are the Saudis…the Jordanians…the Qataris?

Where is Israel?

If this doesn’t work out…then what?

What’s the exit strategy?

We spent $25 billion…that’s billion with a “B”…to train and arm the Iraqi army and police force.

How did that work out?

They threw down their arms and ran at the first sign of trouble.

Now ISIS is rolling through Iraq armed to the teeth with US made arms and material…occupying territory that 4,500 Americans died for…for no apparent reason.

Vietnam…Afghanistan…Iraq…and now Syria…

What’s next…the Ukraine…North Korea…Iran?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

This is madness!

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