Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This is what happens when you shoot your mouth off for political gain.
UN Ambassador Susan Rice will meet with her critics today to finally put to rest “what she said and why she said it” regarding the attack on the Benghazi consulate. 
You may recall that Ambassador Rice went on the Sunday talk shows five days after the assault on the Benghazi consulate.  She stated that based on then current intelligence the attacks appeared to have been a simultaneous event ignited by protests over a YouTube video which portrayed the prophet Mohammed as a philanderer.  She stressed that the investigation was ongoing.
Senator John McCain and his political hangers-on savaged the Ambassador over her comments.  McCain said that it was clear that the attack was the handiwork of terrorists intent on harming US interests on the anniversary of 9/11.  McCain accused the Ambassador of intentionally obstructing the truth for political purposes.  He said that he would do everything in his power to block her anticipated nomination for Secretary of State as she was clearly “unqualified” to hold the prestigious cabinet office.
We now know that Ambassador Rice was simply repeating the intelligence talking points provide by the CIA.  We now know that Ambassador Rice had absolutely nothing to do with the raid on the consulate, the level of security in place at the time of the attack or the rejection of any requests for additional security at the consulate.
We now know that McCain was simply trying to embarrass the administration in the middle of a heated election.  We now know that McCain’s ire should have been more appropriately leveled at the individuals responsible for embassy operations and security…Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then CIA Director David Patraeus.  We now know that McCain fully understood the political fallout from attacking these administration icons so he chose instead to pick on the low hanging fruit…anticipated Secretary of State nominee, Susan Rice. 
We now know that in the aftermath of the Republican election beat down McCain’s political shenanigans are coming back to haunt him and his party.
Ambassador Rice is the one who requested today’s meeting with McCain and his Senate Armed Services Committee buddies.  She wants to publically set the record straight, unveil McCain’s blatant political opportunism and in the process expose the good senator for the grumpy old curmudgeon that he really is.
What a ridiculous waste of time.
Amabassador Rice will in all likelihood be nominated for the position of Secretary of State.  There are a host of questions about Iran, Syria, Egypt, China…we could go on and on…that should be asked of the supposed nominee.  Instead McCain and his cronies will narrow their focus on Benghazi and grill the Amabassador on matters over which she has no responsibility; all with the intent of embarrassing the administration and saving face over a political scheme gone bad.            

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