Monday, April 2, 2012

A "Handout" Is A "Handout"...Right?

One more comment on the Republican budget proposal…
Fiscal conservatives have an ideological aversion to the social safety net.  Simply put; they do not believe in “handouts.”  They believe that each of us has an opportunity to be successful in life.  They believe if you work hard you should be able to reap the fruits of your hard labor; and under no circumstances should you be forced by the government to hand over those benefits to others.  They see programs like welfare, unemployment insurance, food stamps and the like as “handouts” to those who are unwilling to do what it takes to become successful and self sustained.  “I’ve got mine…now leave me alone and go take care of yourself.”
These basic beliefs are borne out in their politics and policies.  The recent Republican budget proposal is centered on the reducing the deficit by cutting or eliminating social safety net programs that they view as “handouts” to those who have been unable, for one reason or another, to get by on their own.
We get it!  And our purpose here is not to question those beliefs but to ask a simple question:
If fiscal conservatives are so averse to giving “handouts” to those less fortunate; then how do they explain their willingness to continue providing government subsidies to wealthy corporations; and tax loopholes that clearly favor the richest among us?  Are these not handouts as well? 
The government currently provides trillions in subsidies to major oil companies and defense contractors that are generating billions in profits.  Agriculture, transportation, small businesses; these industries are all receiving “handouts” from the government. Wealthy individuals benefit as well; permitted to pay their taxes at a 15% capital gains rate half of the standard rate required of most Americans.
Fiscal conservatives say these “handouts” are justified because they encourage the more fortunate to invest in the economy and create jobs for those less advantaged.  The current state of the economy and rate of unemployment suggests that their argument lacks credibility.  In fact every economic study shows that the economy gets more bang for every dollar of unemployment insurance paid than it does from any subsidy or tax break.
So we ask; if conservatives are so averse to giving handouts to the less advantaged how do they square providing handouts to the most advantaged?
Just asking…  

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